5 Common Preventative Maintenance Mistakes You May Be Making With Your Truck Fleet

March 14, 2023
5 Common Preventative Maintenance Mistakes You May Be Making With Your Truck Fleet
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To guarantee that your equipment is running at its best, regular fleet maintenance is essential. Even though many fleet owners understand how important maintenance is, certain details are still missed. Potentially while delaying maintenance like an oil change or failing to check the service light may not seem harmful right now, doing so might eventually cause more damage and even reduce your business's uptime.

Common preventive maintenance mistakes and how to avoid them 

Even while unintentional errors in truck preventative maintenance are common, they may be detrimental to your fleet in several ways. What you need to know about typical truck maintenance issues and how to prevent them is provided here.

1. Standards for scheduled maintenance 

Standard intervals for maintenance plans have been established by many fleet owners, however, not everyone follows the plan. Fleets that are used continuously need preventative maintenance, but if you put off an oil change or brake inspection, more damage can occur over time.

Your fleet may suffer in the long term if your machines are not maintained regularly, and your maintenance expenses rise. Serious issues might result from normal maintenance being neglected. Get your equipment serviced on time, without fail, to prevent future problems.

2. Not having different service schedules for different vehicles

Fleets have a variety of equipment, including bulldozers, forklifts, tractors, and skid loaders. You're doing it incorrectly if you scan your fleet and believe that every single item has the same issues. Different periodic maintenance programs are needed for various truck types. You may prevent this one typical truck maintenance issue by treating and maintaining each individual piece of equipment.

3. Capture inspection data as well 

Frequently, fleet owners fail to consider the information they learn during inspections. You lose out on important information about issues affecting your fleet's various makes and models when you don't collect the proper data. You may use the data to identify which systems are malfunctioning and create a strategy for dealing with certain problems.

4. Train the drivers accordingly 

Drivers need to be enforced to pay attention to pay attention to warning lights on their dash and have the issue fixed. Drivers should be trained on when to act and when to postpone coming to the repair shop, even if certain lights may suggest a defective sensor. The improper lights might cause catastrophic harm if they are ignored.

5. Getting the right tools needed for preventive maintenance 

Another oversight in truck maintenance is treating your whole fleet as a tool rather than an asset that generates income. Trucks may fail, break down, and cost you money if you misuse them or don't maintain them. Trucks that are well-maintained will result from taking good care of your equipment, which will boost output.

Final words 

A planned maintenance program's goal is to ensure that your fleet has no breakdowns. The schedules pay for themselves if there are inspections today and no failures afterwards. Mechanics are able to prioritize and decide what has to be fixed immediately. In order to maintain equipment working safely and to prevent disruptions, the objective is to enroll your fleet in a maintenance program.


152 Douglas Rd, Box Elder,
South Dakota 57719