Ignoring Truck Wheel Alignment: The Costly Mistake That Affects Tire Wear and Fuel Efficiency

April 17, 2024
Truck Wheel Alignment
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Did you know that 50% of irregular tire wear on a tractor comes from alignment problems? The significance of wheel alignment cannot be overstressed for the heavy-duty truck industry. At Reed Repair, we've seen firsthand how neglecting this crucial aspect of truck and trailer maintenance can lead to increased operational costs, excessive tire wear, and diminished fuel efficiency. This blog explores the ins and outs of wheel alignment, providing essential insights and tips to keep your fleet running smoothly.

The Impact of Misalignment

Wheel alignment, often overlooked in routine truck maintenance, plays a pivotal role in the longevity and efficiency of your vehicle. Misaligned wheels can cause uneven tire tread wear, forcing you to replace tires more frequently than you should. Moreover, misalignment can significantly hamper fuel efficiency, as the truck has to work harder to maintain speed, leading to higher fuel consumption. This combination of increased tire and fuel costs can put a dent in your operational budget​​​.

Understanding Wheel Alignment

Wheel alignment involves adjusting the angles of the wheels via the suspension system to the manufacturer's specifications. The process ensures that tires make optimal contact with the road, promoting even tire wear and precise steering. For heavy-duty trucks, alignment is more complex due to their size and the load they carry, necessitating specialized heavy-duty truck wheel alignment equipment. Ignoring alignment can lead to premature tire wear, including patterns like feathering and camber wear, signaling the need for immediate attention​. 

Types of Misalignment

Understanding the types of misalignment can help diagnose and correct alignment issues more effectively, ensuring optimal tire wear and fuel efficiency:

  • Camber Misalignment: This occurs when the tire leans too far inward or outward when viewed from the front of the vehicle. Improper camber can lead to uneven tire wear on one side of the tread and can affect the truck's stability.
  • Toe Misalignment: Toe refers to the direction the tires point relative to the truck's centerline when viewed from above. Incorrect toe settings, either toe-in or toe-out, can cause rapid tire wear and negatively impact fuel economy.
  • Caster Misalignment: Caster is the angle of the steering axis when viewed from the side of the vehicle. Proper caster alignment is crucial for balanced steering, stability, and cornering. Incorrect caster settings can lead to handling issues and uneven tire wear​.

The Cost of Neglect

Data reveals a stark reality: a significant percentage of commercial vehicles are sidelined due to tire-related issues, many of which stem from poor alignment. Properly aligned wheels ensure even tire wear, extending tire life by up to 20% and improving fuel efficiency by 1-3%. Yet, the industry sees a widespread neglect in maintaining optimal tire pressure and alignment, underlining a need for a shift towards regular truck alignment checks​​.

Leveraging Technology for Maintenance

Advancements in technology, such as tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS), automatic tire inflation systems, and advanced wheel alignment machines, offer a beacon of hope. These systems aid in maintaining the right tire pressure and measuring/correcting alignment down to the millimeter, both critical factors in ensuring tires wear evenly and vehicles consume fuel efficiently. By incorporating such technologies and conducting regular semi-truck wheel alignment checks, fleets can significantly reduce tire-related downtime and improve operational efficiency​​​​.

The Role of Driver Habits in Maintaining Alignment

Driver habits play a significant role in maintaining proper wheel alignment, just like in other parts of your preventive maintenance strategy. Aggressive driving, such as taking turns at high speeds or hitting curbs, can knock wheels out of alignment. Educating drivers on the impact of their driving habits on tire wear and alignment can lead to more cautious behavior, reducing the frequency of alignment issues. Encouraging drivers to report any handling issues immediately can also help address alignment problems before they lead to more significant tire wear or fuel efficiency losses.

Implementing a Preventive Maintenance Program

A well-structured preventive maintenance program is essential for catching and correcting alignment issues before they become costly problems. Such a program should include regular inspections and alignments checks, especially after incidents that could affect alignment, such as hitting potholes or curbs. Incorporating advanced technologies like tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) and using high-quality heavy-duty truck wheel alignment equipment can also help maintain optimal alignment, ensuring tires wear evenly and fuel efficiency is maximized.

Best Practices for Wheel Alignment

To avoid the pitfalls of misalignment, here is a summary of some of the best practices:

  • Regular Checks: Incorporate truck wheel alignment into your regular maintenance schedule. Realign your wheels anytime new tires are installed or when you notice uneven tire wear.
  • Use the Right Equipment: Ensure that the service provider uses the latest heavy-duty truck wheel alignment equipment, capable of accurately aligning your truck's wheels.
  • Monitor Tire Condition: Pay close attention to tire tread wear. Patterns like feathering or heel-and-toe wear can indicate misalignment issues that need to be addressed.
  • Educate Your Team: Drivers should be aware of the signs of misalignment and the importance of maintaining proper tire pressure. Encourage them to report any issues immediately.

Final Words

Wheel alignment is a critical component of heavy-duty truck maintenance that should never be overlooked. By understanding its impact on tire wear and fuel efficiency, and by implementing regular checks and a preventive maintenance schedule, you can extend the life of your tires, improve fuel economy, and ultimately, enhance your bottom line. Let Reed Repair be your partner in maintaining optimal wheel alignment with our truck and trailer alignment service, ensuring your fleet operates at peak efficiency.

Ignoring wheel alignment is a costly mistake, but with the right approach and attention to detail, it's one that can be easily avoided. Stay ahead of the curve by prioritizing wheel alignment in your fleet's maintenance routine, and enjoy the benefits of reduced operational costs and extended vehicle life!


152 Douglas Rd, Box Elder,
South Dakota 57719